Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Turkey Observatıons (very general) Updated 6/3/09

Our trip observations Western Turkey only!

  • Istanbul has 12 million inhabitants (and about 20m. Satellite dishes)
  • The city ıs stretched out, we drove 40+ minutes and were still in Istanbul
  • Streets - are VERY CLEAN
  • Ruins - lots of history in Turkey
  • Greek and Roman ruins and history in Turkey, Turkey was once the eastern Roman capital.
  • Turkish history starts with Ottoman Empire, they were on the steps of Wiena, Austria.
  • Turkish build Trading / Rest stops along the Silk Road, Sultans.
  • Cars - many in the cities not too many in the country sides
  • Houses look good ın the country side (some old mud and metal huts)
  • People friendly but also reserved
  • Service - good but also not many smiles when being served
  • Restaurants - clean prices are very reasonable
  • Buses - network of buses across country
  • Railroad - almost non existing
  • Muslims - according to our guide 90% of country but only 15% strict
  • Muslims - in the country side many cover head in the cities less and sometimes very modern clothing with head cover
  • Tram system - in Istanbul very nice and clean
  • Streets - very good 2, 4, 6 lanes and excellent condition. In country side some dirt roads.
  • Sidewalks - good (100% improvement over Buenos Aires)
  • Farmland - lots of (in Western Turkey) flat and small farmers growing corn, fıgs, oranges, olives, nuts. Also tomato's and other vegetables. some areas bananas.
  • Mountains and valleys - along the coast
  • Tea - very good
  • Coffee - Turkish coffee something special not for every day. Many places have Nescafe!
  • Starbucks - yes in city and nice to visit for a change
  • Cost - can have dinner for two for US Dollar 20 and of course more
  • Women - in cities very modern and pretty dressed like any place ın Europe. But once over 40 you don't see many outside or they look OLD and ???.
  • Restaurants - mostly young people up to 40 years or older business men.
  • Women sit outside ın Restaurants and drink Beer or other drinks - in cities.
  • Raki - national drink like Pernot.
  • Beer - one local beer only, Efes pretty good like Corona? About $3 for pint
  • Turkey the country - a lot of history Greek and Roman until Ottoman empire.
  • Tourist - most from Germany and France
  • Begging - some (very little) on the streets
  • Street vendors - many, some food on official looking carts, some small stuff on ground
  • Cats - many, running around wild but healthy looking
  • Smoking - YES everybody does it
  • Water - no one drinks from faucet only bottles (30 cents .5 liter)
  • National Flower - Satellite Dish, every apartment has one or two in the window or on balcony
  • Slums - some on outside of city, not too bad looking (on bus ride)
  • Carton collectors - many on streets collect paper and cardboard ın large carts (like Buenos Aıres)

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